Me (1:15:13 PM): Hey hun, how are ya? Bryan (1:15:23 PM): tired Bryan (1:15:24 PM): you? Me (1:15:31
PM): Mad at myself Bryan (1:15:35 PM): why? Bryan (1:15:39 PM): what did you do? Me (1:15:44 PM):
Bryan, I can't work the toaster! Me (1:15:50 PM): it's a damn high tech one Bryan (1:15:53 PM): lol Bryan (1:15:56
PM): lmao Bryan (1:15:57 PM): oooooh Bryan (1:15:59 PM): that's funny
Me: I'd have the urge to shove her into that fireplace Debs: lmao Debs: why Debs:
for her look at me I'm a slut pose? Me: lmfao Me: Exactly Me: hahaha
Fi: o gurl dont keep thinkin about it ur only
doin ur head in and he isnt givin a rats arse
Fi: lol
Me: hehehe
Me: I love that word, arse
Fi: lol
Me: why don't american's use it?
Fi: because u all pretend to b to polite
Fi: when really u need a good kick up the arse
Sophie: Guys want to be wanted by EVERYONE... and they're willing
to give it up like nobodies' business!
Me: LMAO,soooooooooo true!
(we were talking about how some guys can just screw around w/ girls and not even
Me: Hey
Meggy: hi.
We just painted the rock
Me: awwww
Me: how
Meggy: sweet?
Meggy: haha
me: lol
Meggy: how?
Meggy: haha
Me: No
Me: lol
Meggy: lol
Meggy: ok
you've lost it
Me: barely
Meggy: haha
Me: IF I had balls, I'd give my right nut to be able to talk to
him whenever I wanted Meggy: LMFAO Me: lmao Me: I know Meggy: O boy you're somethin' else girl Me: I try
Meggy: lol Meggy: *hugs*
Jess(10:32:34 PM): woah his head looks huge there. Jess(10:32:34 PM): lol Me(10:34:37 PM): hahahaha Me(10:34:38
PM): LMAO Jess(10:34:47 PM): doesnt itt??? Jess(10:34:48 PM): loll Me(10:34:59 PM): Im not concentrating on his
head Me(10:35:03 PM): not that one anyway Jess(10:35:12 PM): lmao Jess(10:35:14 PM): i love you omg Me(10:35:14
PM): OMFG! Im terrible Me(10:35:15 PM): LOL Me(10:35:21 PM): I love you too Me(10:35:22 PM): ahahaha Me(10:35:29
PM): :-D
Me: Michigan ready to have their ass kicked saturday? Lorenzo:
is ohio st ready to get stomped and sent home with their helmets in their assholes? Me: lmfao Lorenzo: better take that
shit back across the boarder Me: it's OK, you can't hlep that your team sucks Me: the sooner U become an OSU fan, the
better off you'll be
Me: What's up Hotstuff? Bonnie: lol
Me: I love that movie Me: LOL' Bonnie: lol 16 candles? Me:
Long ding dong or something Bonnie: LOL Me: yeah Bonnie: Long Duck Dong Bonnie: LOL: me: lmfao Me: close
enough Bonnie: fukkin great Bonnie: lol Me: ahahaha Bonnie: hehehr Me: I wanna use that Me: ahahaha Bonnie:
lake big lake Bonnie: lol Me: I have a piccy for U Bonnie: Dong where is my automobile Bonnie: ok! Bonnie:
lmao Me: lol Me: U know I've never seen the whole movie Bonnie: automobile????? crashhh pshhhhh boomkms lake...big
lake Me: lol Bonnie: cooooooooool
kevvie(1:53:58 AM): well... at least you SORTA spell it right
Auto response from Me (1:53:58 AM): Quoting -SexyKevvie-
"g2p" BRB!!!
kevvie(1:54:14 AM): some people spell it Sexy Kevvy
kevvie(1:54:20 AM): that makes me mad, sometimes
kevvie(1:54:25 AM): it's sexykevvie kevvie(1:54:28 AM): one
word kevvie(1:54:32 AM): no caps kevvie(1:54:35 AM): :D kevvie(1:54:37 AM): :-D kevvie(1:54:39 AM): hehe kevvie(1:54:57
AM): aren't you done yet? kevvie(1:55:07 AM): IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU? kevvie(1:55:11 AM): WTF kevvie(1:55:19
AM): I DON'T TAKE THIS LONG, DO IT? kevvie(1:55:21 AM): I? kevvie(1:55:32 AM): i didn't THINK so
kevvie(1:56:08 AM): OMFG me(1:56:12 AM): 15 messeges?! kevvie(1:56:36
AM): :-D me(1:56:41 AM): Im making a new section me(1:56:44 AM): Crazy IM's me(1:56:48 AM): this is going in it kevvie(1:56:49
AM): did you read them? kevvie(1:56:51 AM): ok kevvie(1:56:52 AM): lol me(1:56:55 AM): yeah kevvie(1:57:01 AM):
Me(4:25:40 AM): you still have Yahoo? Lo (4:25:47 AM):
yea Me (4:25:51 AM): what is it? Lo (4:25:54 AM): somewhere on here Lo (4:25:56 AM): ********* Me (4:25:57
AM): I had you Me (4:26:03 AM): BUT you probably pissed me off Lo (4:26:05 AM): and deleted me when you got
pissed Lo (4:26:06 AM): lol Me (4:26:10 AM): so, I deleted ya Lo (4:26:11 AM): yea i know thats what
i was thinkin Lo (4:26:12 AM): lol Me (4:26:15 AM): sorry Me (4:26:18 AM): like I said Lo (4:26:20
AM): i think i did the same....... Me (4:26:21 AM): I don't take shit Lo (4:26:22 AM): what is yours? Lo (4:26:27
AM): lol Me (4:26:27 AM): *******
Crys : cause LP throats are narrower than big people throats. me:
lol Crys : which is unfortunate for any guy who wants to get oral sex from you!
Ashley(3:17:14 AM): you know how i like it Me(3:17:25 AM):
LP dwarfy style Me(3:17:27 AM): YUP Ashley(3:17:33 AM): lol
Me: Hey you sexy beast you
Mikey:whoz dis
Mikey:Renae nay!
Fiona:u got any lp mates online i dont know u can introduce
me to LOL Fiona:hows the packin goin? Me:Im not enough LP girlie for ya? Me:hehehe Me:damn Me:wait Me:HAHAHAHJA Fiona:lol
OMG u r funny Fiona:some hot spunky guys hehe
Me:kat called me a hoe Me:LOL Bonz:and shes the one that wants to dop
porn hmmmmmmm Me: mom likes it tho Me: I know Bonz:hehehe Me:and even sleeps in a g-string Bonz:LOL Me:gota
love the midgy men Me:ahahaha
Me: feel confident to take my quiz? Mikey: oh yea! Me:
~* You think you know, BUT you probably have no idea*~ Mikey: aw shit Mikey: well i'm in second place! Me: wow Me: